EdgarRock Publishing
"Professional Services for New Authors Desiring to Self-Publish"

Book Cover Design
Cover design of your book is most important in regard to impact on potential sales. You must be the one in control of providing input on how you would like your book cover to look, but we will also provide advice so that the book reflects a quality product typical of EdgarRock Publishing. We will work closely with you to make the cover the best it can be, and we will be using professional Adobe graphic tools in that process. Your signed approval for the cover will be required, and an invoice will be sent for services provided.

Final Proof of Book and Publishing
Once we have received your signed approvals for Interior and Cover Design, we will produce a final proof copy of your book (in a spiral binding) for your final approval to proceed with publishing. Depending on necessary corrections required, final approval, and final invoice payment, your book will be published and made available on Amazon.com, and we will send you five copies of the book as an extra bonus.

Enjoy Your Book
You will be the proud author of a book you worked very hard on, and you will have full copyright of your creation. You will also be able to purchase additional copies of the book from us at cost with charges for shipping and handling. And you will also collect seventy-five percent of royalties on the book marketed and sold by Amazon. The book will have an ISBN provided by EdgarRock Publishing and it will have our imprint. We will be proud of “our” new author and the continued reputation of our branding.